Okyeman Foundation 
Okyeman foundation is a community-based, non-governmental and a socio-cultural organisation

which was established in 1994 to serve the growing needs of the Akyems resident in The Netherlands and

in The Benelux.

Okyeman foundation is open to all non–Akyems who have the interest of Okyeman at hart and who have

the attitude of contributing to the development of the Akyem traditional area. Okyeman Foundation stands

for the following:

1. Contributing to cultural Diversity in the The Netherlands.
2. Integration of its members within the Dutch community.
3. Serving as an example of a pluriform Netherland.
4. Addressing the health care of its participants in the context of culture and tradition.
5. Linking with the Akyem roots in Ghana.
6. Contributing to the development of Okyeman.

7. Contributing to sustain the culture and tradition of Akyemfuo.